Just found this article, via a music mailing list – basically about a dude who lives in a cave in Utah, with no money. He picks wild plants, occasionally eats insects, dumpster-dives in the nearest town… Fascinating story, with much food for thought…. I’m not sure the lesson is about living with nothing, as much […]
Category Archives: news/current affairs
The Power Of Music
In a week when endless words are being spent deconstructing the meaning of Michael Jackson’s life and legacy, This video provides a stunningly powerful example of the role of music at the opposite end of the spectrum. Bant Singh is a singer and farmer from Punjab, India. His story is told in detail on the […]
Michael Jackson Dead Aged 50
Wow, bit of a surprise this one. I didn’t know he was ill, or any more ill than he always appears to be. The LATimes are just now reporting that his death has been confirmed A proper nutcase, and quite a scary one at times. But also a musical genius. When teamed up with Quincey […]
Recycle Week – Suggest a Pledge.
Next week has been declared ‘Recycle Week’ – have a look at the website here. So, suggestions for cool pledges? Have you already pledged? what did you post? (feel free to link to your pledge, so we can keep an eye on whether you maintain it or not 😉 ). If the pledges-to-make-the-world-a-better-place idea appeals […]
ISPs & those troublesome downloaders – A possible solution
The BBC news reported that “Virgin and Universal have signed a deal that will give the ISP’s customers access to “unlimited” music. For a monthly fee, Virgin’s broadband customers will be able to download or stream as many MP3 files as they want.
David Lynch slams music & film industries
I found the following on Digital Spy & thought it reflected a lot of what Steve is saying about the changing shape of the music industry David Lynch has suggested that the digital revolution will bring more freedom to the film and music industries.
Is accountability the new black?
Politicians and expense claims, musicians and music. How do we implement checks and balances to ensure that the standards are high? We don’t need more legislation, legalism to solve the issue…
More BNP-related Youtube genius…
Someone just tweeted a link to this blog post, featuring the following hilarious and brilliant video by Some Grey Bloke (me thinks I’ll be spending a lot of time on his youtube channel) – fantastic stuff –
Campaigning in a Social Media age…
It’s been really interesting to see the way that web has been used in the current run-up to the Euro-elections – both for straight campaigning, but also to challenge the claims in the campaigns… So The Straight Choice site have been scanning in as many political leaflets as they can find, and fact-checking them, and […]