Wow, there really have been a whole load of social media shitstorms of late. First, there was the case of Paul Chambers, AKA the #twitterjoketrial, where one guy tweets a jokey, hyperbolic, frustrated tweet ostensibly to his friends that follow him, and has now ended up (after appeal even) with a £1000 fine and a […]
Tag Archives: social media
The Future of Politics is Mutual
This is not a post about the things that are wrong with our world. This is a post about how we make them right. Of course it is not exhaustive, and by no means is it intended to be a detailed and flawless solution, in fact it openly admits that fact, because that (you will […]
The Importance Of Social Media At Greenbelt
Ever been to something so great that mere words always felt inadequate to convey to those who hadn’t been there just how cool it was? Or had so many great experiences in a weekend that you bored the arse off anyone who dared to ask how it went? If you have, you’re on the way […]
Audioboo from Greenbelt
Have finally started getting some AudioBoo stuff recorded at Greenbelt. (the embeds are looking a bit weird at the moment, but you can still play them by clicking the bit of the play button you can see at the far left hand side… will fix it ASAP) First up, a few of the Greenbelt tweeters […]
The Thinking Behind £1.40 Conference
I’ve long been baffled by the insane costs people will pay to go to business and technology conferences. For the same money that many of them cost you could hire a couple of leading experts in the field to come to your company and help you out with whatever it is that you’re working on. […]
The Death Of Myspace And How To Save It.
Hypebot just ran a story about Myspace Losing 66% Of Their International Staff, Including the possibility of scrapping most of their world offices (including the one in India, but not China as that’s a separate company). Here’s the comment I posted: Myspace lost it when they refused to update their design, to open up the […]
Indie MP3 Sale! today have had a massive MP3 sale, with lots of albums going for 29p. Some great stuff, much of which I’ve bought. But, there’s no indie stuff there, largely because none of us manage our own catalogues on there, so can’t change prices at will – CDBaby or ReverbNation or whoever did the deal, […]
How Do You Keep Track, And How Do You Share?
I’ve been wondering about how you lovelies a) keep track of blogs and news that you read, and b) how – if at all – you share it with other people.
Twitter Hype?
This BBC Article picks up on a thing that was going around yesterday about ‘bursting the bubble of the hype around twitter’ – apparently most twitter users only post once and don’t have any followers, ergo, it’s all balls.
…And another new site??
Hello! Yup, it’s another new site – this one will be a group blog, pulling in all the interesting things that used to end up on the forum together in a more 2.0 format, where we can comment, collate, chat, discuss and share all the elements.